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Asynchronous Testing

In the land of JavaScript we often find ourselves writing callbacks, and asynchronous code:

const sevenAndAHalfMillionYearsLater = 2.3652e14;

export default function () {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(42), sevenAndAHalfMillionYearsLater);

Writing the test

Jest provides multiple ways of testing asynchronous code, however the .resolves and .rejects syntax can often be the easiest:

import meaningOfLife from "../";

describe("meaning-of-life", function () {
  it("calculates the meaning of life", function () {
    return expect(meaningOfLife()).resolves.toBe(42);

Note - the return is important! Jest needs to know about the promise otherwise it will fail to work.

ES6 Async/Await

If you have integrated Babel with your Jest setup you can make use of the new async/await syntax.

import meaningOfLife from "../";

describe("meaning-of-life", function () {
  it("calculates the meaning of life", async function () {
    const result = await meaningOfLife();


Your turn

We want to write a module for fetching a list of popular movies, and add the corresponding tests.

  "movies": [
      "title": "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy",
      "releaseYear": 2005
      "title": "Thor: Ragnarok",
      "releaseYear": 2017

To load this data within JavaScript we can make use of fetch. Fetch is a modern way of loading fetching resources. Although fetch is available on modern browsers, we can make use of a pollyfill to ensure that older browsers also have support.

Add the fetch pollyfill dependency to your project:

yarn add --dev whatwg-fetch

Create your new module for retrieving the movie list:

import "whatwg-fetch";

export const fetchMovies = function () {
  return fetch("http://www.alanfoster.me/movies.json").then((response) =>

With the above implementation, you should be able to write a test for the above module with either .resolves and a suitable matcher, or the new async/await functionality.

Look at the initial example for inspiration.


import * as service from "../";

describe("movies-api", function () {
  describe("fetchMovies", function () {
    it("returns the data", async function () {
      const result = await service.fetchMovies();

        movies: [
            title: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy",
            releaseYear: 2005,
            title: "Thor: Ragnarok",
            releaseYear: 2017,